החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל - ד’ תמוז תשנ”ה

תולדות וסיפורי צדיקים וחסידים

די אחראים: אחראי,גבאי ביהמד

בערל קראקאווער
שר האלף
תגובות: 1559
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 17, 2016 1:18 pm
לאקאציע: בעקבתא דמשיחא

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תגובה דורך בערל קראקאווער »

לעצטנס ארויס געקומען א ביכל מיטן נאמען ''סאמארקאנד'' געשריבן דורך הרב הלל זאלצמאן,
א איד פיל מיט מסירת נפש פאר אידישקייט אין דעם נישט ווייטן פארגאנגענהייט אונטערן סאוויעטישן פארהאנג.
מיר האבן זיך ממש מחיה געווען עס אפצולעזן, כאטש עס איז נישט אזוי שרייבעריש און גראמאטיש, עס איז אבער א שטיק הארץ ס'איז א שטיק מסירת נפש פאר אידישקייט, השגות פון חסידישע אידן פון וואס מיר קענען זיך פארשטעקן.

בפרט באקענט מען זיך דארט מיט עטליכע מורא'דיגע פערזענליכקייטן א שטייגער ווי דעם חסיד נלהב רבי מענדל פוטערפאס, רבי בערקע חן ועוד ועוד..

עס גיסט זיך דארטן אלקות אינעם העלם!!
ראש הקהל
הויפט געווינער - שרייבעריי פארמעסט תשע''ז
בקראקא אין אומרים ׳תתננו׳ ובאונגארן אין אומרים ׳הבינינו׳
אום אני חומה
שר האלף
תגובות: 1087
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 01, 2020 10:43 pm
לאקאציע: אין ביבליאטעק

Re: ווי קען מען זיך בלאפען?

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תגובה דורך אום אני חומה »

רימנובער אייניקעל האט געשריבן: הרב הצדיק רבי שמואל דוד רייטשיק זצוק"ל מגדולי חסידי לויבאוויטש און די בקאנטע ליובאוויטשער שליח פון לאס אנדזשעלעס .(וואס אי"ה בל"נ עוד חזון למועד שרייבן מגדלותו וקדושתו של האי צדיק ).

פון דא viewtopic.php?p=941338#p941338

ס'איז שוין דורך 6 יאר, אפשר שרייבט איר אביסל איבער אים
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3396
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 17, 2011 8:31 am

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

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תגובה דורך zugurnish »

נייע אויפגעדעקטע דאקיומענטען פון די ק.ג.ב. וועגן די אנטלויפונג פון חסידי חבד פון רוסלאנד
https://anash.org/secret-soviet-memo-fr ... ter-in-ny/
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3396
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 17, 2011 8:31 am

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

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תגובה דורך zugurnish »

בילד פון ר' מענדל ווען מען האט איהם ארעסטירט
פאר זיין חלק אין ארויסשווארצן העכער טויזענט חסידים פון רוסלאנד
קר.jpeg (63.06 KiB) געזען 910 מאל
יידישע קהילות
שר שמונת אלפים
תגובות: 8808
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דאנערשטאג אוגוסט 28, 2014 4:03 pm

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

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תגובה דורך יידישע קהילות »

zugurnish האט געשריבן:
נייע אויפגעדעקטע דאקיומענטען פון די ק.ג.ב. וועגן די אנטלויפונג פון חסידי חבד פון רוסלאנד
https://anash.org/secret-soviet-memo-fr ... ter-in-ny/
זייער אינטערסאנט!!
ווערט אויך ארומגערעדט איבער דעם ארעסט פון דעם הייליגן סקוליענער רבי זצ"ל
החודש אשר ישועות בו מקיפות... ניס"ן בגימטריא ניסי"ם

שלא אחד בלבד עמד עלינו לכלותינו - והקדוש ברוך הוא מצילנו מידם
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3396
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 17, 2011 8:31 am

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך zugurnish »


June 6, 1950

N. 1487/n

To the Minister of State Security [MGB] of the USSR

Comrade Abakumov, V.S.,

[Copy to] the Head of the 2nd Main Directorate of the MGB of the USSR, Major General Comrade Pitovranov, E.P.

In 1949, information was received from foreign agents of the Ministry of State Security [MGB] of the Ukrainian SSR [Soviet Socialist Republic] that in the city of New York /USA/, under the cover of a school for the training of rabbis, an anti-Soviet center was created by American intelligence, which is headed by the famous Jewish tzaddik SCHNEERSON, who was expelled from the USSR in 1928.

A European branch of this center was established in the city of Paris /France/ led by an American intelligence officer, GRIFFEL, Yakob [Yaakov], who is deputy chairman of the Zionist organization “Central Orthodox Committee.” /“KOK”/.

According to the same information, the foreign Schneerson organization established contact with the anti-Soviet underground in the cities of Moscow and Chernovtsy and in December of 1948 organized an illegal escape from the USSR to Romania of four Chassidim /a religious sect/ Schneerson’s followers, who were detained as illegals by Romanian authorities and returned to the Soviet side.

In reviewing this data, it was established that on December 9, 1948, the Romanian authorities did in fact hand over to the 31st detachment of troops of the Transcarpathian Border District the following defectors from the USSR, who were detained in the city of Radeutsy [Romania]: DUBROWSKI, Moshe-Chaim Evseevich – born in 1881; JUNIK-MARGULIS, Meir Tulovich – born in 1930; LEPKIVKER, Yakov Borisovich – born in 1930; and GREENBERG, Moses [Moshe] Naftulovich – born in 1930.

During the investigation, these persons hid their membership in the illegal Schneerson organization and in March 1949 they were convicted as defectors by the Military Tribunal of the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Carpathian Military District.

In order to verify the information received from the foreign agents, the convicts – DUBROWSKI, JUNIK, LEPKIVKER and GREENBERG were brought to the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR in the city of Kiev and underwent enhanced interrogation.

In the course of additional investigation by the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR, the enemy work of the Schneerson anti-Soviet organization illegally existing on the territory of the USSR, its connection with the Schneerson center in the USA and the branch in France, was partially revealed, and newly identified members of this underground were arrested.

Arrested in the case:

VISHEDSKY, also known as VITEBSKY Moses [Moshe] Pinchasovich – born in 1912 in Vitebsk, Jew, citizen of the USSR, without [political] party, prior to his arrest resident in Chernovtsy, worked as a foreman in a knitting factory.

KOZLINER, Chaim Zalman Boruchovich – born in 1894 in Disna /Poland/, Jew, citizen of the USSR, without [political] party, no concrete occupation, resident of Chernovtsy.

FLOM, Chaim Yechielovich – born in 1882 in the village of Secureni, Chernovtsy region; Jew; citizen of the USSR; with medium religious education; rabbi; resident in the city of Chernovtsy.

Additionally, in April of this year in the city of Tashkent, at the orientation of the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR, the Ministry of State Security of the Uzbek SSR discovered a Chassid-Schneersonite who had been evading arrest in the city of Chernovtsy:

SOSSONKO, also known as BATUMSKI Asher Shmerkovich – born in 1889 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Jew, citizen of the USSR, without party, without concrete occupation or permanent place of residence.

Materials regarding SOSSONKO-BATUMSKI have been sent to the Ministry of State Security of the Uzbek SSR for the purpose of his arrest and transfer to the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR – in the city of Kiev.

As established in the case, after Schneerson was expelled from the USSR, his followers, the Chassidim, continued to maintain illegal contact with him and did not cease their anti-Soviet activities.

During the period of the Great Patriotic War, the main mass of Chassidim evacuated to Central Asia, where, through Iran, they renewed their contact with SCHNEERSON in the USA.

According to SCHNEERSON’s directives, the Chassidim intensified their anti-Soviet activities and created illegal schools in the cities of Samarkand and Tashkent, in which Jewish youth who fell under their influence studied in a religious and nationalist spirit.

Those studying in the Schneersonite schools were provided with food, board and work in handicraft artels headed by Chassidim.

The arrested in the case, JUNIK-MARGULIS and GREENBERG, were students in these schools.

At the end of the war a directive was received from SCHNEERSON in the USA, through Chassidim associated with him – LEVITIN Samuel [Shmuel] – the son of the former rabbi of Kutaisi, who fled abroad to SCHNEERSON, and LEVITIN Samuel’s brother-in-law – BOBRUISKY, Eli [Gorodetsky, Binyamin], ordering the Chassidim of the USSR to flee abroad, for which it was recommended to utilize the Moscow-Lublin agreement on the repatriation of former Polish citizens from the USSR to Poland in force at that time.

In the furtherance of this goal, the Chassidim – DUBROWSKI, Moshe; MOCHKIN, Leib / who has escaped over the border; FUTERFAS / arrested in 1947 by the MGB of Lvov as a defector; and others, in connection with the former chairman of the Jewish religious community [of Lvov] SEREBRYANI /convicted, did not testify/ organized an illegal crossing point in Lvov through which were ferried into Poland more than 100 Chassidim and Jewish nationalists, including those with connections to SCHNEERSON—LEVITIN, Shmuel and BOBRUISKY, Eli.

In their anti-Soviet work DUBROWSKI, MOCHKIN and FUTERFAS were connected with the Moscow-based representatives of the leadership of the Chassidic organization in Moscow- DUBIN, Mordechai; KAGAN, Yeina; GURARI, Mottel; and LEVERTOV, Berel / who were at various times arrested and convicted by the MGB of the USSR/, [and] at whose direct instructions [Dubrowski, Mochkin and Futerfas] carried out their work.

During the period of the Great Patriotic War DUBIN, Mordechai lived in the city of Kuibyshev, [Russia], where he maintained suspected espionage connections with representatives of the Polish, English and American embassies.

As has been established, SOSSONKO-BATUMSKI and DUBROWSKI were connected with the Chassidim KANTROVICH, ZHIVOTOVSKY, SHILENSKY, MINTZ and others in the city of Lvov, as handled by the agent in the case of the “CHASSIDIM,” influencing them and slanting them towards the activation of anti-Soviet activities.

According to intelligence data, these persons organized gatherings in the apartment of SHILENSKY and other Chassidim, engaged in illegal crossings of Jews over the border, and also organized an illegal Schneerson school, the funds for which were received through the Jewish religious community.

According to the same information the Chassid – SHILENSKY, Boris Nachmanovich – born in 1896, doctor by profession, received higher education in Germany, fluent in English, French and German, lived in Moscow until the beginning of the war where he worked as a translator in the “Intourist” hotel, was acquainted with the former U.S. ambassador to the USSR HARRIMAN, with whom he allegedly met in person in the synagogue.

SHILENSKY currently resides in the city of Vilnius, and the MGB of the Lithuanian SSR is preparing to arrest him.

In addition, the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR has intelligence information that Lvov resident MINTZ /no other information/ met with the American spy WAIFE-GOLDBERG, [Benjamin/Ben Zion], who visited Lvov in 1946 under the guise of journalism, and told MINTZ that in the USA lives the famous rabbi of LUBAVITCH/SCHNEERSON – born in the village of Lyubavichi/ who gave the orders for the relocation of Chassidim from the USSR to the other side of the border.

According to information provided by the source “YUREVOI” and the testimony of the arrested FEFER, Isaac [Itzik], who is in the custody of the MGB of the USSR, in 1946 MINTZ, at the direction of WAIFE-GOLDBERG, traveled to the Drogobych region to search for the daughter of the former rabbi of Lvov FEINER-GUTKO, who lives in the USA, in order to transfer her abroad.

It has been established that the thirteen-year-old daughter of FEINER-GUTKO was really brought up by citizen PETRIKEVICH, Darya Nikolaevna, who lives in the Truskovets settlement, Drogobych region, and was taken from there in 1946 by an unknown foreigner.

Whether this MINTZ is the same person as the one handled by the agent in the “CHASSID” case has not yet been established. There are several individuals in Lvov with the family name MINTZ, and it is still under investigation.

Pursuant to the undercover “CHASSIDS” case of the Ukrainian MGB of the Lvov region, 12 people are currently being investigated.

Investigative measures by our agents also established that after the arrest in 1947 in the city of Lvov of a number of participants in the illegal crossings [including] / FUTERFAS, SEREBRYANI, [and] KOZLINER / the Chassid DUBROWSKI hid in Minsk, where he tried to resume the illegal crossing of SCHNEERSON’s followers, but was allegedly unsuccessful, while SOSSONKO-BATUMSKI fled to Chernovtsi, where he established an illegal connection with Zionists living in Bucharest.

As has been established, the crossing of the state border by the convicted JUNIK, LEPKIVKER and GREENBERG in December of 1948 was organized by the French branch of the Schneersonite center through the chairman of the Bucharest Zionist organization “AGUDAT” – PORTUGAL, SUZI [Zusia]; emissary of the Zionist center “KOK” in Paris SHUB, Zalman [Abelsky, Zalman], and the Chassidim SOSSONKO-BATUMSKI, FLOM and VISHEDSKY.

PORTUGAL, [Zusia] – rabbi, former deputy chairman of the Jewish religious community in Chernovtsy, from which he ran to Bucharest in 1946 where, aside from the Zionist organization “AGUDAT,” he directs Jewish childrens’ orphanages.

SHUB, Zalman, who is suspected of belonging to American intelligence, arrived in Romania illegally from France in the interests of bringing the children of the Jewish orphanages to Palestine. He hid in PORTUGAL’s apartment for two months.

Having established contact with the Zionist underground in the USSR and in an attempt to resume their escape over the border, SHUB, Zalman and PORTUGAL [Zusia] sent two couriers to Rabbi FLOM with a letter for SOSSONKO-BATUMSKI containing SCHNEERSON’s instructions that Chassidim escape over the border, and it was proposed to use the services of the letter-couriers for this purpose. This was attempted by the Chassidim in Chernovtsy, albeit unsuccessfully.

Having received a message from members of the “AGUDAT” organization BOYMAN, Naftul, who lives in the city of Radeutsy, and WAGNER, Michel, who lives in Gura-Gomurului, regarding the detention by the Romanian police of a group of Hasidim who had fled from the USSR, SHUB, Zalman, together with the senior administrator of orphanages SALTEPER, immediately left for Radeutsy, with the intention of offering a large bribe to release the detainees, but they were too late, since the detained Chassidim had already been handed over by the Romanian police to the Soviet border guards.

Likewise preparing to cross the border was the arrested Chassid-Schneersonite KOZLINER Chaim-Zalman Borukhovich who, while living in Lvov back in 1946-47, was also associated with the Chassidim and their illegal border crossings.

His wife KOZLINER, Tzipa, was arrested in 1947 as a participant in the illegal border crossings and sentenced to 10 years in Corrective Labor Camps. In 1949, however, she was released from custody under unclear circumstances, and [after that] lived with her husband in Chernovtsy. Having learned about the arrest of DUBROWSKI, she went into illegal hiding.

During the investigation, Rabbi FLOM, who was arrested in the case, confirmed his relationship with PORTUGAL, [Zusia], which, according to his statement, was carried out through his daughter SHLINGER, Chaya, who lived in Bucharest at 37 Poparadu Street.

FLOM likewise testified that in 1949, after the collapse of the illegal crossing of the Chassidim into Romania, PORTUGAL was arrested by Romanian organs but after two months under custody was released.

This information became known to him shortly before his arrest, allegedly from his daughter’s letters, [which is] of a specific nature.

The case of FLOM continues to be thoroughly investigated.

Upon the transfer of SOSSONKO-BATUMSKI from the MGB of the Uzbek SSR to the MGB of the Ukrainian SSR, the latter will be taken for enhanced interrogation.

I will report on the results.

Attached are the protocols of interrogation of Junik [and] Lepkivker on 22 sheets, copies only for the 2nd Main Directorate of the Ministry of State Security of the USSR.


Major General Popereka
שר שלשים אלף
תגובות: 35431
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: פרייטאג נאוועמבער 16, 2007 8:26 am
לאקאציע: אויף די פאליצעס אין ספרים שאנק

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

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תגובה דורך farshlufen »

zugurnish האט געשריבן:
נייע אויפגעדעקטע דאקיומענטען פון די ק.ג.ב. וועגן די אנטלויפונג פון חסידי חבד פון רוסלאנד
https://anash.org/secret-soviet-memo-fr ... ter-in-ny/
דא איז עס באשריבן מיט אלע דעטאלן.
https://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo ... ground.htm
דאע"ג דכבר למד הרבה פעמים כל התורה והמצות, מ"מ כשיגיע המועד חייב לשאול ולדרוש בהלכות כל מועד ומועד בזמנו [ב"ח]
דיעל שפיל
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3912
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 24, 2022 12:32 pm

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

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תגובה דורך דיעל שפיל »

יידישע קהילות האט געשריבן:
zugurnish האט געשריבן:
נייע אויפגעדעקטע דאקיומענטען פון די ק.ג.ב. וועגן די אנטלויפונג פון חסידי חבד פון רוסלאנד
https://anash.org/secret-soviet-memo-fr ... ter-in-ny/
זייער אינטערסאנט!!
ווערט אויך ארומגערעדט איבער דעם ארעסט פון דעם הייליגן סקוליענער רבי זצ"ל
קען מען אפשר אויך לייגן ביים סקולען אשכול, כגלייב אז אסאך דארט קריגען נישט די זאכן פון דא
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3396
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 17, 2011 8:31 am

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

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תגובה דורך zugurnish »

מען האט געברענגט דארטן דעם לינק
דיעל שפיל
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3912
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 24, 2022 12:32 pm

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

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תגובה דורך דיעל שפיל »

zugurnish האט געשריבן:
מען האט געברענגט דארטן דעם לינק
אה איך זעה,
דיעל שפיל
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3912
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 24, 2022 12:32 pm

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

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תגובה דורך דיעל שפיל »

ער האט געהאט קינדער?
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3105
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג מאי 29, 2016 9:09 pm

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

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תגובה דורך Amazing »

דיעל שפיל האט געשריבן:
ער האט געהאט קינדער?
יע ווי געבראכט פריערט איין טאכטער איז אוועק בחייו איבעלאזנדיג א שטוב מיט קונדער
ער איז אגב געווען אפגעטיילט פון זיין שטוב דוכט זיך א 20 יאר זייענדיג פארבליבן אין רוסלאנד פארשפארט
א'מונה ב'טחון ג'עלט
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3396
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 17, 2011 8:31 am

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך zugurnish »

שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3396
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 17, 2011 8:31 am

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך zugurnish »

errr.jpeg (246.96 KiB) געזען 276 מאל
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3396
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 17, 2011 8:31 am

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך zugurnish »

errrr.jpeg (132.91 KiB) געזען 275 מאל
שר שלשת אלפים
תגובות: 3396
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג מאי 17, 2011 8:31 am

Re: החסיד רבי מענדל פוטערפאס זצ"ל - ד’ תמוז תשנ”ה

  • ציטיר
  • צו לייגן א דאנק דארפט איר זיין אריינגעלאגט

תגובה דורך zugurnish »

אין כפר חבד וואס איז ארויס פאר סוכות
mf.jpg (124.85 KiB) געזען 88 מאל
שרייב תגובה

צוריק צו “צדיקים וחסידים”